Filter Delivery

Subscribe to receive premium furnace filters when it's time for replacements. Free delivery in Ontario.

About Us

We started Filter Delivery because - like many homeowners - we also forgot to change our furnace filters!

Here's the great news: fresh filters improve indoor air quality and reduce your energy bill. 

Filter Delivery is a subscription service for homeowners in Ontario. We help you choose the right filter for your needs and send you a fresh filter when it's time for a replacement. 

Subscribe once and never think about filters again. Our clients are only charged when a new filter is delivered. No annual fees. Free delivery in Ontario by Canada Post. 

We sell strictly premium grade filters made in Ontario by Camfil Farr Inc. - the largest filter manufacturer in the world! Camfil specializes in high-end products for hospitals, industrial cleanrooms, and state-of-the-art commercial facilities.